HTTP — flood attack

3 min readJul 15, 2023


👾 HTTP flood attack

In this article, we will discuss one of the most common forms of cyber attack, i.e. HTTP flooding, which is used by attackers to violate user privacy.

Computers are a necessity in today’s world. Our daily activities are related to computers, which makes them an important part of the modern world. Over the years, the use of computers has increased significantly. Due to the growing demand for computers and related services, including computer and internet services, we often hear about internet crimes or cybercrimes.

Cybercrime is on the rise with the growing demand for the internet. With the increase in the number of cybercrime cases reported every year, awareness of cyberattacks is very important. Cybercrimes/cyberattacks are perpetrated by hackers who unethically want to hack into user data and steal sensitive information from user accounts. The purpose of cyberattacks is mainly related to personal or organizational gain, which can be achieved financially or emotionally.

Here in this article, we will discuss one of the most common forms of cyberattack, i.e., HTTP flooding, which is used by attackers to violate users’ privacy.

HTTP flood attack

HTTP flood attack:

  • HTTP flooding attack is Layer 7 (Application Layer Attack) which is really dangerous and harmful as websites are easy to attack with HTTP flooding.
  • HTTP flooding is a form of DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) in which an HTTP flood attack uses HTTP to receive HTTP post requests to perform a cyberattack.
  • The main goal of HTTP flooding Attack is to take down the desired or necessary site/server by filling it with a huge number of HTTP requests.
  • The sheer number of HTTP requests renders the site/server unresponsive and thus renders them inaccessible and unusable.

How to perform an HTTP flood attack:

  • The flow of HTTP requests is carried out through bots that load the computer with a huge number of requests. For each request to the server/computer, thousands of unauthorized requests are filled in along with the user’s request.
  • This huge volume of HTTP requests that flood the browser uses bots supported by Trojan horses to generate them.
  • HTTP GET requests are easy to create and use bots to generate a huge stream of requests. While HTTP POST requests, on the other hand, require complex processing and are therefore not preferred over HTTP GET requests to perform the HTTP flooding process.

Appearance of HTTP flood requests:

  • HTTP flooding is an extremely dangerous form of cyberattack, as the appearance of HTTP flood requests makes them very difficult to recognize.
  • HTTP flood requests are displayed as valid URLs and cannot be questioned or distinguished based on their appearance structure.

Prevention of HTTP flood attacks:

It is very important to know the different ways to prevent HTTP flood attacks. The following are some of the listed ways to prevent HTTP flood attacks:-

1. Computing: JavaScript compute machines can help determine if requests are coming from a bot and help in identifying fill requests in a timely manner.

2. Web Application Firewall: A web application firewall will help protect against abnormal call flow. Thus, protecting the computer system from HTTP flooding attacks.

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