Interview: 25 Questions for an Ethical Hacker

9 min readJun 29, 2023


Ethical hacking is the practice of testing a system for vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers. Ethical hackers use a variety of techniques, such as penetration testing and network analysis, to identify weaknesses in target systems. These attacks are carried out in order to determine the extent of damage that can be caused if these deficiencies have been exploited by an unauthorized user.


1. What is a network sniffer?

The network analyzer monitors the flow of data over computer network channels. A sniffer tool that allows you to collect and view packet-level data on your network can help you identify network problems. Sniffers can be used both to steal information from the network and to legally manage the network.

2. How can you avoid ARP poisoning?

There are several approaches to prevent ARP poisoning attacks:

  • Using Static ARP Tables
  • Using Switch Security
  • Using Physical Security
  • By network isolation
  • Using encryption

3. What are the stages of system hacking?

  • Intelligence: This is the first phase in which the hacker tries to gather information about the victim.
  • Scanning: Applications such as dialers, port scanners, and network mappers are used in this phase.
  • Gaining access: In this phase, the data collected in steps 1 and 2 is used to develop a plan of action for the hacker.
  • Retention of access: Once a hacker gains access to a system for the first time, he or she attempts to retain access for future attacks and exploitation.
  • Clearing tracks (so no one can get to them): The attacker will change the MAC address so that they can use multiple attackers’ computers to mask their identity. They would have closed.

4. What Are The Different Ethical Hacking Tools?

There are different types of ethical hacking tools available. Some of them are as follows:

  • Nmap
  • Nessus
  • No one
  • Fate
  • NetStumbler
  • Acunetix
  • Netsparker
  • Malefactor

5. Why is Python used for hacking?

Python provides simplicity and the reader will be able to complete their task faster and easier. Python libraries are also used for encoding, recording, network scanning, and network attacks.

6. What is farming and spoilage?

  • Pharming: In this method, a hacker compromises the user’s DNS servers or computer in order to direct traffic to a malicious site.
  • Corruption: In this strategy, the attacker replaces the firm’s website with an alternative page. It contains the hacker’s name and images, and it can also contain messages.

7. Different types of buffer overflows and detection methods?

  • Stack-based buffer overflow: This technique is used when an attacker sends malicious code that contains stack data. The malicious abstraction of this is fake data heaps used to organize large groups of memory in applications.
  • Heap-based buffer overflow: Heap-based attacks are more difficult to perform than stack-based methods. This includes attacks that destroy the space of system memory beyond the memory used for current performance.
  • Format string attack: A format character, sometimes known as formatting, indicates that input conversion operations do not always succeed. This allows an attacker to exploit code, read data from the stack, or create partitions in the application. This can provoke new actions that threaten the security and stability of the system.

8. What is Burp Suite?

Burp Suite is a set of tools used to check if access to a web application has been compromised. It was developed by a company called Portswigger, also named after its founder. Burp Suite aims to bring it all together in one suite of tools and applications.

9. Define the term Script kiddies?

We can consider them dangerous hackers. These hackers develop a scam scenario and use tools that work with the spam they have received. They are like unskilled professionals who try to attack computer systems and networks and corrupt websites. Their main goal is to impress their friends and the community. Generally, screenwriters are people who don’t understand hacking.

10. Explain the end-to-end directory attack feature?

Directory traversal attacks work by abusing one or more FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL or FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN attributes. When a user accesses a file or folder, the file system checks to see if the attribute is set to one of the valid values. If this is not the case, the system will attempt to set the attribute to the correct value. If the attack is successful, an attacker would be able to gain access to files and folders that the attacker would not be able to access if the attribute had been set to a valid value.

11. Explain the methods to protect the web server?

When hardening Internet servers, securing the server is an important element of a vulnerability assessment program. Hackers must exploit flaws in the internet infrastructure and systems designed to serve those flaws, and connection points to gain access. Then, allow them to perform more actions on any system.

Web server protection includes:

  • Manage SSL/TSL certificates and their settings to enable certain invulnerable conversations between the buyer and the server.
  • Restricting access rights to permissions to access the Internet server settings directory.
  • Modify the configuration file to correct incorrect server settings.

12. What is NTFS file streaming?

NTFS file streaming is a mechanism that allows applications to request access to files stored on an NTFS volume when the volume is offline. This feature can be used by applications that need to temporarily read or write data from an NTFS volume without waiting for the file system service layer (FS level) where the volume installation point is located, as well as applications accessing legacy systems where FS levels have not always been implemented.

13. What is HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code)?

HMAC is an encryption algorithm for ensuring the authenticity of messages. If HMAC is used with SSL or TLS to send messages. It is also a cryptographic hash function that computes a message digest for data. Exporting (or generating) output data is a unique representation of data functions. It is worth mentioning HMAC as it can provide security when transferring data over the network.

14. How does a sniffer work in ethical hacking?

In ethical hacking, a sniffer is an application that collects data from a targeted system. Sniffers are used to gain access to systems and networks without being discovered by the administrator or users of those systems. The sniffer inspects packets sent over the network.

15. Describe how you would prevent session hijacking?

Here are some tips and tricks to protect against session hijacking:

  • We can use Content Security Policy (CSP) and cross-site scripting protection headers.
  • We can use the HTTP directive only for session cookies and avoid reusing cookies.
  • We may use the invalidity of server-side cookies when logging out.
  • Using HTTPS and HSTS on any website.
  • Using CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) Protection Tokens for Sensitive Activities

16. Explain the principle of wireless sniffers for determining SSIDs?

Wireless analyzers are commonly used to determine SSIDs for a wireless network. An analyst can use wireless analyzers to capture transmitted and received packets on a wireless network, and then use the packets to identify SSIDs for the network. The analyst can also use wireless analyzers to determine the MAC addresses of computers on the network.

17. What should I do after a security breach?

In the event of a security breach or data breach in your company, you should follow these steps:

  • Notify your customers and customers first.
  • Disclose information that is necessary and mandatory for your customers or customers.
  • Always instruct your clients and customers on the next step.
  • Check the source of the hack notification.
  • Change all administrator passwords and protect all local networks.

18. What is the main purpose of penetration testing?

The penetration testing process is a key function of information security management. Penetration testing is used to identify vulnerabilities and assess the risk associated with unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or disruption of computer systems or data. Fixing software vulnerabilities refers to actions that prevent attackers from stealing sensitive information, hacking into a computer system, or gaining access to secure networks. A system vulnerability is an unspecified error in a computer system that gives unauthorized persons access to sensitive information or the ability to control or damage a protected area. Here, information means knowledge that is used to one’s advantage.

19. What is Evil Twin or AP Masquerading?

In general, the term “evil twin” or “AP Masquerading” refers to a duplicate or double of a person or computer program that a hacker can use to attack another person or organization. Organizations sometimes use other companies’ AP systems and infrastructure to achieve their goals. The term “access point” is also used to describe. Access points or evil twins can be used to conduct reconnaissance, create a foothold on the network, steal secrets, or launch cyberattacks.

20. What is cowboyism in ethical hacking?

For some people in the field of ethical hacking, the term “cowboy” is used to describe an easy target; However, there is no real one. coWPAtty refers to systems or networks that are not protected by standard security measures and have a low level of protection. The systems in which coWPAtties take place can be found anywhere — at home, at work, or even in public places such as airports and restaurants.

There are many reasons for a system attack:

  • Unsecured servers can be accessed on the Internet because they lack basic firewalls.
  • Outdated software types or insecure passwords go unnoticed by some companies.

21. What are the “GRAY AREAS” in the company?

Gray areas may be areas that companies want to avoid public discussion, but they are still a concern. Initiate a process to identify and assess the various gray areas of your business to determine if there are any risk areas that require immediate attention. Once the risks have been identified, an appropriate action plan should be adopted.

22. What is cross-site scripting and explain the types of cross-site scripting?

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is also known as script injection. Scripts are written by attackers and injected into websites to commit fraud. Different types of cross-site scripting attacks include persisted and reflected XSS vulnerabilities. Stored XSS attacks involve injecting malicious code and scripts into data files that are used by websites, while reflected XSS exploits vulnerable pages on other websites and injects the attacker’s malicious script back into those pages.

There are three types of cross-site scripting:

  • Reflected XSS: Reflected XSS occurs when user input is skewed in terms of evaluation and then returned as HTML to a web application.
  • Stored XSS: When a website’s applications store user data such as passwords and information, stored XSS is possible when this information is then requested in some way.
  • Underrated XSS: When an attacker discovers a vulnerability in a website through undervalued user input, the attacker could inject arbitrary code into the web page.

23. What is CRSF (Cross-Site Request Forgery)?

CRSF is similar to a cyberattack, where an attacker tricks someone into clicking on a malicious link, and the user’s browser instead sends information to the attacker: for example. CRSF attacks can be carried out by exploiting vulnerabilities in web browsers, PDF readers, and other software that allow users to submit form data directly from their browsers. As for CSRF vulnerabilities, sometimes a vulnerability affects more than one area. The result may be a two-factor code. For example, in an attack scenario, an attacker could inject code into a Web page that users are viewing.

24. What are NetBIOS DoS attacks?

A NetBIOS attack is a method of carrying out an attack from infected computers by sending packets of information that interfere with the victim. This can cause serious damage to businesses as they rely on their networks for communication, file sharing, and other important functions. To attack a NetBIOS system by sending a large number of NetBIOS requests, an attacker can use NetBIOS DoS attack targets, typically computers on the network that are used by the company or organization that is being attacked. The attacker’s goal is to interfere with the operation of these computers, and he or she does so by sending bogus name service requests to the computers.

25. What are the components of physical security in ethical hacking?

Physical security is the process of protecting an object from unauthorized access, use, or destruction. Physical security includes a number of measures and technologies used to protect assets from physical harm, as well as theft and sabotage. In the security building, controlled paths are created to identify people entering the building and ensure the safety of things inside the building. The purpose of a security building is to create barriers or controlled pathways into that space and ensure that things within the space remain different components of physical security that can be shared to counter an intruder. Access control can be used to allow only persons who have been granted permission to enter the zone and to ensure that their behavior inside does not violate the rules. Data encryption is used to protect data while it is in transit or at rest on a secure system.

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