STEGANOGRAPHY: Hide Secret Message

4 min readJul 15, 2023


In computer science, the art of hiding information inside files such as images, documents, programs, payloads, messages, music, HTML pages, removable media, etc., is called steganography — it is the practice of hiding messages or information inside other unclassified text or data.

Steghide supports the following image formats: JPEG, BMP, WAV, AU files.

This tutorial is demonstrated using Kali Linux we assume that you are using Kali Linux or another Linux distribution.

Installing Steghide

To install Steghide, open a terminal on Linux and use the following command.

apt-get install steghide

Now that Steghide is installed, let’s create a new directory of your image and secret.txt the files should be in the same directory.

mkdir steghide

Go to the directory where your image and the Secret .txt saved files are located. In our case, the image and secret.txt files are stored in a folder called steghide.

cd steghide

Upload or move your JPG image or other supported image to the steghide directory we just created.

Write a secret message in the secret.txt dossier.

echo "Your Secret Message Goes Here" > secret.txt

Now, if we list the contents of our steghide directory, we will see a file called secret.txt it will contain your secret message. To enumerate the contents of a directory in Linux, we can use the ls command.

Now it’s time to hide our secret message that we wrote in secret.txt in our image and likeness. Use the following command to hide the data inside your image. (Change the name of the image from anonymous.jpg to what your image is called.)

steghide embed -cf anonymous.jpg -ef secret.txt

At this point, you will be asked to enter a passphrase.

Extract a secret message from an embedded image

We have learned how to hide a secret message inside a text file, now it’s time to learn how the recipient of our image can extract the information that we have embedded in our image.

To extract information from our embedded image, we can use the following command. You will be asked to enter a passphrase to decipher, once the passphrase is entered, we will receive our secret message, which has been cunningly hidden inside the image.

steghide extract -sf anonymous.jpg

Now we can use the cat command to display the contents of the secret.txt

cat secret.txt

Find information about an embedded image

Let’s say we receive a file that has a secret message embedded in it. We can use Steghide to print out information about the file. To do this, we can use the info command to display information about the embedded image. Replace anonymous.jpg with the name of the image you want to get information about.

steghide info anonymous.jpg

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