🤖 We use the benefits of neural networks. Part 4
The Benefits of Neural Networks Neural networks offer many advantages over traditional algorithms. They are able to learn from data and can be used to solve complex problems. Neural networks are also able to generalize, meaning they can recognize patterns in data that traditional algorithms may not be able to…
1 . Paperpal is a tool for writing any level of work (from term papers and articles to dissertations) based on ChatGPT. Integrates into Word;
2. GPT for Slides — makes slides right in Google Slides;
3. ChatGPT Writer — responsible for you on e-mails;
4. Gamma AI — generates full-fledged presentations: text, design, fonts, etc.;
5. Fireflies — makes squeezes out of your calls, integrates into the calendar and answers all questions on your calls;
6. AI Writer — writes texts of various kinds, including SEO. By the way, they promise that their text will not be detected for AI work.
7. Arcwise AI is your smart assistant in Google Sheets;
8. Resume Maker — will make a resume for you according to all the canons;
9. Fakeupdate — simulates a Windows update, you can take a break from work whenever you want.
10. Elephas is an assistant copywriter for Apple devices.
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