What is affected by motherboard models?
Since the motherboard is the connecting element of all computer components, the ability to withstand heat directly depends on the quality of its parts. If the motherboard model is cheap, then heating can lead to swelling of the capacitors.
Also, if you need to overclock the processor, you should also take care of a suitable motherboard chipset, which consists of a north and south bridge. For overclocking, you should also choose motherboards with a suitable BIOS .
In the presence of transparent and open cases, for some users, a beautiful appearance with backlight is important, as you understand, this does not affect the work in any way.
As a result, if you do not plan to overclock the RAM and processor, then you can get by with an inexpensive, but at the same time, high-quality motherboard model. In cases with overclocking, you need to select the motherboard exactly for the tasks you are interested in, since it will directly affect the system performance due to changes made to the settings.
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